Adrian picked Kaitlyn up from her house and took her out on, what was to Kaitlyn, a normal date. They went to West Edmonton Mall, played a round of mini golf, and stopped at a restaurant on Bourbon St. where they enjoyed a quiet meal together.
After their dinner, Adrian had one more stop planned for the day. He took her to a park where they walked, hand in hand, along the trails talking about life. Soon they came to a clearing in the trees with a singular picnic bench in the middle of it. Written on a sign right by the picnic table were the words “Love lives here”. When Adrian saw this he knew it was the right spot, and as Kaitlyn was looking up at a few birds fluttering in the trees, he got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.
As Adrian told me the story, Kaitlyn cut in and said that she remembers nothing of what he said during the proposal, only that she repeated over and over, “You’re joking! You’re joking!” Finally, reality sunk in and she said, “Yes!”

Happy Tuesday!