I like to have every photoshoot really planned out. A week in advance I have a location picked out and I envision how the shoot should unfold. The day before, I plan poses and gather my gear together.
So, when Jacob and Janis's photoshoot was the next day and we hadn't chosen a location yet, I was, let's just say, a little bit stressed. It was my fault for not being more prepared and letting it slip my mind. Their photoshoot was going to be my first sunrise photoshoot and because of this I couldn't use my usual locations or the sun would have been in the wrong spot.
While wracking my brain for ideas I remembered that Jacob and Janis have a beautiful backyard, with a trail winding through some trees. I messaged Janis and told her my idea. She agreed and I cannot believe how beautiful these photos are!! Although it is hard to get it wrong when you have such beautiful clients to work with!

So cute :)

Janis! You are gorgeous!

These last two photos are my favorite from their session...


Thanks for reading!