Maybe it's just one of the symptoms of old age creeping up on me prematurely, or maybe I just forgot to pay attention to time, but whatever the case may be, somehow, time has flown by and my birthday has arrived once again. Every year it comes around faster and faster, racing past me and then returning in what feels like just a few days. At this rate, by my humble calculations, I will be 50 before I know it! Blech!
Over the course of my life, Ava has always been there to take her share in the good and bad parts of our birthdays. Some would say that sharing a birthday is annoying, but I would argue that it's quite a blessing. We get to get older together and it's far better doing that with someone than alone.
Today, we are celebrating reaching the elderly ages of 17 and 19 with a small party, and then I'm taking off to pursue my latest passion... skiing, don't ask me how I haven't broken every bone in my body pursuing this passion, because I honestly am shocked myself.
Here's to a new age, but the same old us!

Thanks for reading!