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My First Car!

Often as a little kid, I would play games with little toy cars we got at garage sales or in bags of jumbled-up toys at a thrift store.

My sisters and I would lay on our stomachs on the living room floor, our little feet kicking up in the air, and play cars for hours at a time. "Playing cars" entailed driving the cars up and down the slide on our Fisher Price Elevator Car Track and fighting over who got the best parking spot.

As we played we would talk about how cool it would be to drive a real car, counting on our fingers how many more years until we could get our learner's license. Then we would describe the kind of car we wanted to have when we grew up and, of course, my dream car was the Batmobile!

Speaking of cars...

A few weeks ago my uncle was offered a free car for his kids to learn how to drive on. However, his kids are all still really young and won't be driving for, at least, another 10 years. So he told the owner that his niece needed a car... that niece being me! The car was a 2004 Toyota Camry, in mint condition, and just needing a little bit of cleaning.

On Thursday, I went to see the car. I walked through the garage and met the owner of the car and his wife. They were the sweetest couple and I will forever be grateful to them for their generosity. We shook hands and he handed me the keys. "Go ahead and take a look," he said.

I put the keys in the ignition and tried to start it, but it wouldn't start! "Shoot!" I thought. "I knew this car was too good to be true." Thankfully nothing was wrong with the car; the battery was just too cold. The owner boosted the car and it started just fine after that. Phew! :)

I decided to take it home that day and ran all over town trying to get the car insured and registered before the registries closed. Finally, after hours of annoying paperwork, driving, and talking to insurance/registration people, the car was mine!

So, here are some photos of me and my not-so-cute-tan-colored Batmobile...

Happy Saturday!


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