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Life-Saving Products

The title of this blog post may be a little exaggerative, but a few of these products have really changed my life (a.k.a. the Native Deodorant).

I usually do a Good Reads post every month, but I have only been reading the Harry Potter series for the 1000th time, so I decided to change it up and today I'm sharing a few of my favorite products. Enjoy!

I know a new cell phone isn't the biggest deal in the world, but I have been especially "honored" to have terrible IPhones and IPods over the last few years. I bought a new one three weeks ago and I could not be happier! My clumsy self dropped it on the cement last week and the screen popped off... I was sooo thankful the screen didn't crack! I bought it off of Amazon refurbished and my sister, Ava, has done the same in the past, and for the price...

Years ago my mom found Native Deodorant online and bought some for all the girls in my family. The Coconut and Vanilla scent is amazing and it works like a lucky charm! I stopped using it after a while because the deodorant was coarse and it would rub my underarms raw. (I have sensitive underarms!)

A few months ago I started using it again and it is a total game-changer in the world of deodorant. I would often smell myself even after I put deodorant on. This was really frustrating and slightly embarrassing, so I switched back to Native. They have developed their deodorant to a point where it is not coarse anymore and it has completely solved my BO problem-o. Also, they now sell it in Walmart, which is really convenient. The one downside is that it is on the expensive side at $15.00 in-store and $13 online. However, I am willing to pay more for a deodorant that works, smells excellent, has natural ingredients, and is aluminum-free. Go buy it, you won't regret it!!

If you are like me and hate compact blush this is the solution for you! My sister told me about the wonders of liquid blush, so I went to Sephora and bought some. It is so easy to use and a tiny bit goes a long way. It's a bit expensive at $26.00, but well worth the money!

Before I got this water bottle I drank absolutely ZERO water. Like actually none. I eat a lot of fresh foods so that kept me pretty hydrated, but I got this water bottle for Christmas and started a water drinking marathon. This cup is super nice for both cold and hot drinks. It comes with a straw and is completely insulated. I have been using it almost every day since I got it. Best water bottle I have ever had! PS. It's from Costco and comes in a pack of 2, in teal and grey or white and navy, for $28.99.

For Christmas, my older sister didn't get me anything, but an eye mask from the dollar store. Hard feelings aside, this $1.25 eye mask has changed my sleeping game. I don't know if it's because of the complete darkness when I wear it or something else, but I LOVE it! Oh, and yes my eye mask does look like the one in the photo:) Thanks Ava! The best gifts cost $1.25!

If you ask anyone who knows me if I ever wear sweat pants they will say no. I usually like to dress up. However, I found a pair of Adidas sweat pants while thrift shopping, and I thought I would give them a try. I have pretty much been living in them ever since. Before, wearing sweatpants made me feel like when you're sick and you live in comfy clothes, but I have had a change of heart, and I'm on board the sweat pants train!

My mom and grandma bought me a Kate Spade wallet for my birthday this year and I'm in LOVE! The wallet I had before was thrifted and let's just say it was not a vibe:) I have a few things from Kate Spade and I know they are really good quality. If you need something that will last you for years I totally recommend getting this!

Thank you for reading!


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