I can't believe it. I missed the Zoe Lauren Photography Blog's first birthday.
A few months ago I thought about it. Mentally noting that it was on the horizon, and then I pulled a total Dory move. (Yes, I am bringing out long-dormant, Disney humor) I forgot about it two seconds later.
Today while looking through my blog posts I saw, there at the bottom of the barrel, my very first post. It was posted on May 15, 2021. Exactly one year 3 DAYS AGO! I had had a whole rambling blog post planned out in my head about how thankful I am for my faithful readers and everyone who has followed me for the past year. However, I forfeited my rights to that by missing the day.
Some of you are probably sighing in relief that you don't have to read the gushy post I had planned, and you have every right to sigh. The emotional overload would have probably drowned you.
I am truly thankful for every person who reads my blog, for all my clients who let me live my dream, to my mom who edits every single one of my blog posts, and to my dad who started my photography wildfire in the first place.
Whew! What a tear-jerker! Just kidding, but this one is a lot better than the original one I had planned.

Thanks again to everyone and Happy Wednesday!