Every time I try to start a blog post it never works. For this post, I have tried over and over again until I finally have decided to start by admitting my inability to have a witty-sounding blog intro. My writing abilities are not great and my spelling is even worse, but this blog is, potentially, going to help fix that problem. Grammarly is not letting me learn how to spell on my own.
While we are on the subject of bad spelling, I will tell you a story of how I spelled my own name wrong:
A few years ago I was drawing my name, Zoe Lauren, using a font that I was trying to make as I went. I first sketched my name in pencil, then traced the lines with a black sharpie. When I finished, I erased the pencil marks behind the sharpie, and held my work out in front of me, "Looks great!" I thought. I went upstairs to show my Dad and Mom my work and as my mom looked at it she laughed and said "Do you see anything wrong with it?" I looked at the piece of paper again, Z-O-E L-A-R-E-N. It all looked good to my eyes (being slightly dyslexic doesn't help). "No, what's wrong with it?" I replied. "You spelled your name wrong, it's L-A-U-R-E-N with a U." Face-palm. I was mortified! Misspelling regular words is fine and all, but misspelling your own name, ooh that's bad. I ran back downstairs, tore the paper up, and started on a new one with the correct spelling Z-O-E L-A-U-R-E-N. This memory has vividly been engrained into my brain and I will never misspell my name again. Ever!
How this has anything to do with photography, I will never know. What I do know is that this is the worst segue into blogging a family photoshoot, ever. There is really nothing alike between spelling and photography. What I will say, is that the hot day, the stress of being an amateur photographer, and that I could not remember Remi's name (I kept calling him Reggie--face-palm, again--which means clearly, I have read too many Archie comics), caused me to sweat--like a lot--which, for me, is never a good thing.
More about my sweating later... LOL
I hope you enjoy the sneak peek!

Happy Friday