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Good Reads: Rebecca

I sometimes feel guilty for flying through books so fast. As if it were cheating to listen to them, instead of read them. There are some months that I listen to so many books I can't count them on my fingers and then there are other months where my book tally is as dry as the Sahara. If the book isn't good within the first five or so chapters I will stop it, but when I find a good one it goes on my list of re-reads, and I will listen to it over and over again. A good book consists of: a good plot or good writing and good characters, and if I strike gold, all three.

Here are a few of my favourite books that I have read recently...

#1 Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier

Sigh... I finished Rebecca two days ago and I wish it was just a tiny bit longer, but then if I had my way all the books I love would never end;) Rebecca is a gothic romance about a young girl who marries a man who she thinks is still very much in love with his dead wife. When their marriage is about to fall apart he tells her the truth about everything, and to figure out what happens next you will have to read the book!

#2 Gaudy Night - Dorothy L. Sayers (and the rest of the Lord Peter Whimsy Series!)

WHERE DO I START WITH THIS BOOK! My mom recommended it to me, and I got to say she has never recommended a bad book! Yes, Mom, I'm finally admitting it. I was enthralled with the story until the very last word (and then continued to binge all the rest of the series I could find on audiobook)! If you love Mysteries and Detective Fiction this book is for you! Yes, every sentence in this paragraph ended in an exclamation! (There is also a really good podcast that you can listen to that deep dives into this book, its called The Literary Life Podcast, and I really enjoyed it)

#3 Educated - Tara Westover

I heard about this book everywhere. My mom read it, my sister read it, my Oma and aunt read it. Finally I got hold of the book, read it, and I LOVED IT! The first chapter had me hooked! Educated tells the heartbreaking story of a young girl, born to survivalist Mormon parents. When she realizes her parents have been telling her lies, she disobeys them and goes to high school never having set foot in a classroom. This one is a page turner! (I just figured out yesterday that Tara Westover's mother wrote a book in 2020 called Educating that tells her side of the story).

Honourable Mentions: Emily of New Moon- L. M. Montgomery, The Outsiders- S. E. Hinton, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- R. L. Stevenson, Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury

Thanks for reading! (Pun intended;)


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