A while ago I blogged about the Think Tank camera bag I bought off Facebook Marketplace. So, to follow the tradition of posting my Facebook Marketplace purchases here's another one.
I had had my eye on the Canon 5D Mark IV, which I could just afford because there was a great deal on it. Just before I was going to go out to buy it, I checked to see if the deal was still on. Of course, it wasn't. Dumb me expected the deal to go on forever. Welcome to the world of sales, Zoe.
Over the next few days, my mom showed me a few ads for Canon 5D Mark IVs on Facebook Marketplace. My immediate response was that there was no chance I would ever buy a camera off Facebook. Like c'mon, people selling stuff on the interwebs can be sketchy.
She showed me another ad for a Canon 5D Mark IV. It looked great in the photos, had barely been used, and would save me a lot of money. So, she messaged the seller and asked if we could come and look at it. He agreed to meet at a Tim Hortons the next evening.
I arrived at Tim Hortons and tested the camera out. It was in pristine condition and the guy seemed trustworthy so I bought it.
You know in the Matilda movie how her dad fills the car engines with sawdust so they run nicely for enough miles to get the buyer far away from him and then they break? That is what I was expecting to happen. I blow my bucks on the camera and then a few days later it falls apart in my hands.
It hasn't died yet, so I think I made the right decision:)

Compared to my Canon 5D Mark II, there are so many perks that I was missing out on! Such as a touch screen!? Technology is getting way too advanced...

Happy Monday!