One Christmas, when I was about three, I opened a gift from my parents. It was a Robin (like Boy Wonder Robin, sidekick of the crime-fighting hero, Batman, Robin) cape, crisp and new off of my dad’s sewing machine. Yes, my dad sews. He calls it man sewing. Is it very good? Well... it's better than I could do, but why would a three-year-old care about the quality of his sewing job? I had a ROBIN CAPE!!!
From that day forward it was almost never off my back, and like all superheroes, I had my own superhero suit; it consisted of my cape, yellow leotard, superhero mask, black tights, and black boots with the heels falling off.
I took my role as Robin very seriously and nine times out of ten I wouldn't even respond to Zoe. I would race around the house fighting bad guys shouting "STOP IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!" and making a huge mess along the way, much to my mother's chagrin. I went so far as to call my dad Batman and I really thought that when I was old enough my dad and I would fight bad guys side by side, but first I had to be sixteen so I could run fast enough.
Recently, I went through my overly full baby bin. It holds so many old memories from my not-so-far-in-the-past childhood. I pulled out my well-used cape. It is stained and battered, which would only be expected from such hard-core use. I still remember how good it felt to be that cool...
I wore my cape backwards, because it was wayyyyy cooler than wearing it the right way (cut me a little slack, I was still in superhero training and obviously had much to learn)!

After a few years my sister, Abby, joined me in the super hero world and became my side kick...Baby Batmite...

Since Demi always needs new costume she got to wear the cape...much to her annoyance. I probably took 100 photos and this is the only one of her looking at me! The DIVA!!!

Thanks for reading!