Photographing my last wedding for this year was bittersweet. Bitter, because I absolutely LOVE photographing weddings and I'm so sad to have to wait until next year for my next wedding; sweet, because I could use a break from the constant rush and busyness of wedding season to catch my breath.
Besides being my last wedding for the year, Trevor and Cynthia's wedding was also the first wedding I have ever photographed all alone! This marks the "official" start of my solo wedding photography career. I have been the second shooter for a lot of weddings, but I consider those weddings to be practice for doing a wedding solo. Seconding has given me a lot of experience on how a wedding day should run without having the stress of being fully responsible.
Trevor and Cynthia, thank you for having me photograph your wedding. It was an honor! You could not have chosen a more beautiful day! Congratulations, and enjoy your new life together!

Happy Monday!